Sunday, December 7, 2008
Gallery Goings
I went by two Friday night, In Town Gallery and Tanner Hill Gallery. Very different shows. In Town is an artist co-op where I was a member for twelve years. Approximately thirty artists are members now with paintings, sculpture, jewelry, and photographs. The reception was well attended for a cold night in town! In Town is on Frazier Avenue, north of the river. This section of town has been on the upswing with new businesses, condos, and parking garages.
Tanner Hill Gallery is located on the first floor of an old Saddlery building. The building now houses artists' studios upstairs, a photography studio, a yarn shop, the Arts and Education office, and other offices. I love to see the old buildings being restored for other uses. This show had about six or seven artists' works.
Now it's your turn! I have a landscape painting in this show:
You are invited to the Opening Reception of the Tennessee Watercolor Society Region III Exhibition this Sunday, December 14, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, at the North River Civic Center, 1009 Executive Drive, Hixson, Tennessee. On display are works by 27 artists.
The North River Civic Center is located behind Northgate Mall. You turn by the post office. If you need further directions: 423-870-8924. They are open daily. Admission is free. The exhibit continues until February 28, 2009.
Warm your heart- Look at art!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Counting Blessings

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Back on the "art front", I will be taking commissions for original works through Michael's Fine Arts and Framing in Dalton, Georgia. Now is the time to request a painting in time for Christmas. The house portraits will be offered with framing at a great price. Stop in and see Michael at 1325 Dug Gap Road or phone: 706-278-8840 for more information.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Art is Comfort Food for the Soul

Sometimes you have to express what is in your heart. This has been on my mind for a couple of weeks (understandably). When you make your money from selling art or from selling anything right now it can be nerve wrecking to think about. So I hope that no matter what business you are in, this message will lift your spirits and give you ideas that are helpful.
People are willing to pay for products that they feel they "need". Artwork is an emotional purchase. It either "grabs" a person for its subject matter, style, color, shape, or some type of connection. In my opinion, art is not a luxury item. People have the need to surround themselves with things they admire, things they are proud of, or things that have meaning to them. Art is Comfort Food for the Soul.
As an artist, I am honored when someone purchases my paintings. I have a connection with them now because they have a "piece" of my heart. I don't paint things that I don't like. I don't like ugly art, political statements, explicit sexual content, or violent scenes. I probably wouldn't have been commissioned to paint during any political uprising! I want my paintings to bring joy to the owners. Is it a memory of a place they loved? Someplace they would like to be? Colors that embrace their personality? If it "goes" with their sofa, that's great. That means it has the color palette that they want around them. I like those colors too or I wouldn't have chosen them for the work.
I am so proud of the students' works in their upcoming Autumn Art Show next weekend. Some of them have been with me almost three years and others are fairly new to my weekly classes. They are all special to me and I am blessed to have them in my life. I hope that many of their friends and the invited public will come to support them. And, who knows? You may go away with a little Comfort for Your Soul.
Thursday, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday & Saturday, 11:00 - 5:00
Sunday, 1:00 - 5:00
Monday, October 13, 2008
All About Amelia

Sorry the photos are

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Southern Light- Show at Michael's Fine Arts & Framing, Dalton, GA

Sandra Babb ( and I will be showing at Michael's Fine Arts and Framing in Dalton, Georgia for the month of October. The show is called "Southern Light" and features Sandra's landscapes in oil and my architectural watercolors. Sandra and I paint together frequently and it seems that we both favor scenes with lights, shadows, and color.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hunter Eddy Workshop Notes and Upcoming Show

The other photo is part of the our oil class from the Lookout Mountain Studio who attended the demo: Anne Platt, Sarah Fowler, Hunter Eddy, Durinda, Evelle Dana, and Martha Elder. We now have our notes and observations to compare. On our next workshop trip to Tuscany, we will definitely visit the Academy and see Hunter's studio. Evelle Dana's son, Brent, attended one year after graduation from Baylor and loved it. The first year is very strict about learning to draw from life using plaster casts and then drawing from models. Excellent instruction that some of our American art schools are not teaching. Everyone who wants to paint realism should study drawing, in my opinion. I know there are artists who have never taken formal classes, but drawing consistently in a sketchbook counts too. It is all in training your eye.

Featured Artist for October at Amelia SanJon Gallery:
I will have 5 or so paintings for the First Friday opening, October 3, at Sandy Hinton's gallery in Fernandina Beach. See earlier posts: Around Amelia and Amelia Island Part 2. The show will be up through October. Here is one painting based on my stay there this summer. I fell in love with the area and decided to do a series of beach chairs in different sizes and situations from 30" x 36" to 4" x 4". This is Dune Buddies, 36" x 36", oil on canvas. I also have a couple of paintings of the wonderful Victorian porches and the marshes. An article is in today's Town Talk in the Chattanooga TimesFree Press about the show and the upcoming workshop with students from Happy Painters': L.J. Huffaker, Anne Platt, Martha Elder, Sarah Fowler, Barbara Murray, Ann Currey, and Betty Moses. I am hoping that there will be interest in doing another workshop there again soon.
Lots of things coming up- hope you are having a great start to fall too!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home," Twayla Tharp
If you paint pet portraits or would like to have a portrait done of a pet, most artists will work from photographs. I like to meet the pet and shoot my own photographs, but that is not always possible. Most people shoot looking down on a cat or dog which makes their head appear larger and foreshortens their body and legs. Better to get on their level and shoot, thinking about what you would want painted, a side view, frontal, seated, etc. Unfortunately, pets think we are getting on their level to play or pet them so they tend to come towards us while we are aiming. It's fun, it's like trying to get a toddler to sit still- and look at you- and smile- and not put their hands or anything else in their mouth. Cats will just walk off and leave you sitting there too. So sometimes you need to know something about the anatomy of an animal in order to paint it in proportion because your photographs are not often the perfect shot. Sketching, cropping, making changes are all a part of designing the portrait, just like you would do for a person. Then, I really like it when my patron lets me decide if it should be an oil or watercolor. Phoebe had such silky shiny fur that I saw her as a watercolor.
Tomorrow I will sit in on a painting demonstration by Hunter Eddy, an oil painter who teaches at the Florence Academy of Art. He does striking still lifes. I will share my observations about his technique with my classes Tuesday and also later in the blog.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that outlasts it." William James

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Amelia Island part 2 and fall paintings

Monday, August 4, 2008
Around Amelia
Sandy Hinton, artist and owner of SanJon Gallery in Fernandina, is formerly from North Georgia. She was a founding member of In Town Gallery, the artist co-op in Chattanooga, a past president of Tennessee Watercolor Society, and a signature member of National Watercolor Society. Sandy's gallery is in the historic section of town in a house built in the 1800's. Sandy was very helpful in giving me ideas of places to paint and Bill places to eat. You can see her work on her website: and check out the gallery: Sandy does a lot of work with the endangered sea turtles, helping the babies to get to the water and keeping an eye on the nests. Seems everything likes turtle eggs!
Fernandina has 50 blocks of old Victorian era houses and commercial buildings. I was able to paint a row of houses on Friday morning by standing on the sidewalk across the street, under a tree. It is nice when a town has wide sidewalks and some shade! I tried to download my photos for you, but I think my camera was set on large file and they were too large to use. I will have to work on that! My new Nikon D80 is great, I love the clarity and playing with my zoom lens, but the manual is like a textbook and I haven't gotten very far!
Another wonderful feature of the area is the marshlands. I love them! I can't wait to see them in October when they will be golden. We saw pink spoonbills on Saturday. From the road they looked as bright as flamingos. Beautiful! It was also pretty amazing that the island had a sunrise view on the Atlantic side and a sunset view over the Amelia River. So much to paint and so little time! It will be hard to decide what to paint in October!
The regular classes at Happy Painters start soon. I am excited to see what everyone has been working on this summer.
Off to paint now!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
New Gallery Space Idea in Chattanooga
Artists include Sandy Bose, oils; Judith Briton, pastels; Helen Burton, watercolors; Durinda Cheek, oils; Jere Chumley, acrylics; Valerie Fleming, photography; Carolyn Kaufman, mixed-media; Will Rhodarmer, acrylics; Sandy Washburn, acrylics; and Terry Wes, watercolors and acrylics. I am honored to be a part of this fine group of artists from all around the region!
The best part is the artwork is available to the public seven days a week, plenty of free parking, good lighting, and plenty of space to view the work. Every tag shows the contact person on site available for sales. Charline has thoughts of placing a million dollars worth of original art! For those who don't want to go into a "gallery" setting, for those who want to see a variety of work under one roof, and for those who work the same time that other galleries are open, this space will be ideal for shopping for art! Isn't it wonderful when the corporate world wants to support the arts!
Back to painting!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Floral Painting Workshop Coming July 31 & Aug 1!
Let's Paint!
Lucky Cat is Ready for Art-a-ma-jig Auction!

In business the cat is said to bring success. Her raised paw beckons in customers and welcomes personal happiness and harmony. I like her too, because she looks like a calico cat.
The oil painting is 10 x 8 with a gold edged floating frame. I did the reflection of the cat on the table by looking at a piece of plexiglass on the tabletop.
The theme for this year's Art-a-ma-jig is Fortune. Some of the artists that are invited to submit don't follow the themes, but I think it is fun to challenge yourself.
The auction will be Thursday, July 24, 6:00 - 8:30 pm at the Tanner Hill Gallery on South Broad Street, Chattanooga. For more information, go to Hope to see you there!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
New Workshop! Architecture Drawing in the Landscape

Fee is $150 for the two days which includes admission into the Gardens and a discount at their resorts. I will offer all the supplies you need (yours to keep) for $25.00. If you would like to bring your watercolor or acrylic supplies, let me know. The class size is limited so everyone will get individual attention.
Registration: or call 706-663-5153.
If you have questions, contact me:
Let's get outside and draw!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Paintings from France

Monday, June 23, 2008
Au Revoir, La Bonne Etoile!

Our workshop ended on Friday night with a "Vernisage" in the studio. Kippy explained that it was the night that the artists who were juried into the Salon in Paris would put the final coat of varnish on their works before the show opened to the public. It was the preview night for the patrons with a reception. Ours was lovely! The studio had tables decorated with flowers and of course, cheese, wine and champagne!
Each artist had a panel of their paintings and sketches from the workshop on display. Our watercolorists also had their sketchbooks out. Kippy and Jerome invited several guests including our chef Marc; the sculptor John-Paul; Chantal the art restoration expert; the house manager Madame DeLahye and her husband; neighbors; French friends Monique and Raymond from Gravon; artist Nicole and her husband from Villuis; and even ladies from Marnay-sur-Seine where we painted.
I was very proud of the work that each of the participants had completed from their first en plein air experience! I hope that they will all look back on this with many happy memories as I will: Living the life of an artist in France!
Check out my Picasa web photos for more workshop scenes!Durinda
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Here we are in Paris!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Bonjour from Fountaine-Fourches, France
Tomorrow the workshop participants will arrive! I am ready to get to painting for the next two weeks. Kippy has driven me around to several villages and spots that will be perfect for our plein air experience. IF the weather continues to be cool and damp, we will use her barn/studio that has all the comforts and paint tres francais pottery, linens, fruits, vegetables, and beautiful roses from her garden.
As for painting, I am most happy with my Sourcetek panels. I wish I had brought a dozen more! I am painting with my Gamblin paints and trying out a medium called archival lean from Chroma that Kippy had in the studio. I will let you know how I like it. It is similar to Liquin, but not as gel-like, more like Galkyd Lite. I have been painting here around the house and studio, one of the door to the boiler room, but I call it the pottery shed, one of the rooftop of the house with the roses over the arbor, and one of the barn doors which lead to the studio upstairs. Will try to shoot and post them soon!
Until next time,
Au Revoir!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Sourcetek Artist Panels for Plein Air Painting
Sourcetek makes handmade artist canvas panels. I have used their birch panels for quite a while for my plein air work. They are easily packed, carried, and stored. Perfect for plein air work. This time, I am trying the Gatorboard panels. They will be even lighter to carry. I am so excited to share the panels with my workshop participants.
The owner, Will Pierce, also phoned to offer his help with the workshop. He will be sending sample product panels as well. This will allow my students to try the different supports and canvases to find their preference. Thanks Sourcetek! You will also see on their website the other products they carry such as brushes, paints, cleaners, and carriers. It is really nice to have a company with such top quality products that makes an artist's life much easier!
Keep painting!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Scenes from Callaway Workshop

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Surprise Guest at U.K. garden

Can you guess who she is?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Successful Show at Happy Painters

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Condo Showcase Thursday