If you are not in the southeast region, our big news here this week is the Big Snow. Over 8 inches at my house. Unusual for our area, especially since we had about 4 inches on Christmas Day. Now for you Yanks out there who get snow all the time and just get out and go in it, we don't have equipment to clear secondary roads. Our 2 or 3 salt trucks work the main interstates. The rest of us are on our own. So, pretty much our whole city is shut down until the snow melts. No school, even the malls were closed yesterday. And yes, I am staying home this winter instead of being at the beach. My S.A.D. has not kicked in yet. I am actually enjoying looking at the snow.
So, how do you paint snow? My personal preference is a composition with some color in it whether it is blue or violet cast shadows or something architectural like a stone wall or corner of a house. If you are unsure of composing landscapes, use your viewfinder in your camera. I will be watching the light today from the sunroom for cast shadows. Right now, the whole scene is white. The sky is the same color as the ground. I already have a view in mind that I want to paint. I will have my supplies ready in case the sun cooperates with me.
If you are new to painting, use the quiet time to organize your materials. Put your name on your things. Try out your paints by making a color chart and writing the names on it. Email me for a copy of a color wheel you can make. I always find things to do in the studio. I spent a lot of time Sunday cleaning my palette. If you have old magazines, go through them and rip out things you like (scenery, interiors, faces, etc) to start a resource file. It's nice to have a photo of a certain thing if you are painting something similar. I keep flower catalogs to help with painting gardens or flowers in pots. If you are not a painter, you can keep a file too of things you like and would want a painting of some day. It is much easier for the artist to visualize what you have in mind if you can show an example. It doesn't have to be perfect. There is always some research in painting a commission. Even giving a color swatch torn out will help.
In the meantime, I will be snug and warm in my sunroom studio painting flowers I bought Sunday. I'll keep an eye out for the sun to peek through. It's kind of like, "when the moment is right" commercial. When it happens, be ready (to paint, of course).
Take time to enjoy your view!
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