For those who are painting outdoors with oils, or who aspire to do so, I shot my paint gear today before loading it once again in the car. What you can't see is my backpack on wheels that holds everything except the panel carrier and the tripod. Actually, I can strap the tripod to the pack so I can roll it easily, but if I am getting out fairly close to the car, I don't bother with it. The tripod is one for cameras and it holds my pochade box with an attachment.
The largest panel I can use with this easel is a 12 x 16. I prefer the linen oil primed panels. I also have a cardboard carrier that I like since it is lightweight and easily packable.
I use filberts or brights brushes and a few rounds. For larger works, I also like flats. In the studio, of course I have a wider variety of brushes, but outdoors, it is better to carry only a few.
My paints of choice are Gamblin's. As many of you know, I owned a gallery/teaching studio for three years where I also sold art supplies. After trying many brands, I have been impressed with Gamblin's quality and consistency. You also see Gamsol which is the thinner. When going out on location, I usually pour some into a jar and not carry the container. For the photo, I wanted to show the name so you would remember it. I use their Galkyd and Galkyd Lite mediums in the studio. They help speed the drying time of oils without getting sticky. When I paint outside, it is usually going to be "alla prima" and hopefully finished in two hours so drying layers or glazing is not an issue.
I recently added Gamblin's Quick Dry White to my plein air paints. Mixing it with the other paints helps speed their dry time as well. You can check out their line of products: www.gamblincolors.com. You can order their products through Jerry's or others. Let me know if you have any questions about the paints or gear and if you have any comments about what you have used.
For those watercolorists, I will post my palette and gear next. I enjoy my watercolors outside too.
Now, get to painting!