What fun to see my paintings from Epcot again! The U.K.'s gardens were fabulous! I have never been to England, but if it looks like this, I am there! :)
I always learn something about myself when I paint. This time, I learned I need to learn a lot more about identifying flowers and plants! The vine that grew over the doorway and on the arch into the gardens drew a lot of attention from guests. It had purple blossoms that cascaded a lot like wisteria, but not really. It also had red berries! The birds and squirrels loved them. I had no clue what it was. I told people it was probably native to England. Sounded good, huh? Then, with D.J's help and the horticulturists, I found out that it really came from one of their yards in Florida. I can't remember the scientific name, but it is called The Potato Vine. Kinda took the romance out of it then!
The thatched roof cottage I call Pooh's Corner. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see him while I was there, because I was painting on the other side. I did, however, have another guest that I will post next time. I started that painting in the afternoon when the clouds started rolling in, so I need to "twink" it some before shooting it.
This was my first trip with my new
Soltek easel. It took some getting used to. Thankfully, I had my pal gal
Diane to show me how to lock the legs. I thought I was going to have to hold it the entire time! I was really glad I had it when we had to run for rain cover a few times. You just fold it up and go!
The paintings are all in oil. Email me if you are interested in a purchase. I can throw in a pizza box too!
Durinda's Art To Go....