This is AuBree Elaine Cheek, our newest GrandGirl born September 5th in Chattanooga, Tennessee to my son, Kevin and Stephanie. AuBree weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. We are very thankful that she and mom are very healthy. She even has curly hair (like Dee Dee's) ha.
It's hard to explain how you feel to someone who hasn't experienced grandchildren yet, but they are truly a blessing in your life. Bill and I are very thankful for our other two princesses, Caylea and Camryn, from daughter Caron.
Sorry this post doesn't have anything to do with art or travel, but family does affect your feelings and well-being. Now, back to painting!
What a beautiful bundle of joy! Congratulations to all. Barbara M
She is absolutely beautiful! Ann
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